Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Not God Something


God from Ashes of God

A Resurrected Faith

Mar 18, 2015


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

*Beautiful White Peony II..., P C Chang, Flickr

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Not God
Something, More and Less. For
Your kiss has lit a Fire in my Heart
and burned up all my idols, all idols
even God, my God, even God

*Arem Nahriim-Samadhi

God is greater than God.

*Meister Eckhart

Give thanks to the inner Teacher
who lovingly takes away your God
that you might know God ~
seek not to return to the shadow again

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

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In all pure Religion, in all the higher Faith, there is an element of agnosticism. The more you know, the less you know. Those who most know embrace, possibly at first painfully and shamefully, the unknowing. Even in such a theistic faith as Christianity, this element of faithful - so, faith-full - agnosticism is present among deeply devout lovers of Grace. Conventional faith rejects doubt, without knowing faith, as pure certainty, is reconstructed in a more noble, lovely form out of the debris of deconstructed belief. The healthy choice is not between faith or unfaith, but between a prerational to rational faith or a transrational faith. Since God cannot be contained in thought, no arguments for or against God from thought can appeal to the person of pure Faith, for he or she has been drawn into an intimatic certainty that transcends reason, yet is not unreasonable. God arises from the ashes of God, is one way of saying this. To one, this is blasphemy, to another reverence... to one an ugly death, to another a beautiful resurrection. Possibly, one message of the Cross of Jesus is our and my God must die. Then, I know God in God knowing me, one knowing. I say "Love beyond Beliefs," which is to say "God beyond Beliefs." This would end all wars and hate, all prejudice, in the name of any name of God. This unknowing is the only way for a knowing that transcends such ignorance, that leads us to cling to Grace alone and not any idea of Grace. Possibly, we shall come to see that all religions must die for Love to triumph among us all, not as a condemnation of religion, but an affirmation that religion was never meant to last, but only prepare us to live only in Grace, which is to say being Love in Love. May that day come, already among us, but still unseen by most. Amen.

*Beauty is the Shadow of God... , Mary Ann, Flickr


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Not God Something

©Brian Wilcox 2024